100 Years, And Beyond
100 Years, And Beyond
How many things can you think of in the last 100 years or so? How many things have you seen, touched, or experienced that were 100 years old? Often we ask, “How long will this last?” Whether it be a car, a new roof, or a knee replacement, is the answer ever “forever”? And how long is that exactly?
In our present day, despite technological advances, things we purchase last a shorter period than 20 years ago. So when I had the privilege of treating my oldest patient who is 102 years old, I was in awe. As his dentist, I was examining teeth that I estimated to be about 97 years old, given that by age 5 children start getting their permanent teeth. These teeth were in excellent condition, along with the rest of his mouth and jaws. I find this amazing. His healthy oral condition allows him to have a healthy diet which contributes to his longevity.
How can we all try to keep our teeth like this? I have to say that my patient population in Darien, CT is about 25% senior citizens, and of that, we are seeing more “super” seniors – those over 90. I do notice some trends in their oral habits and oral conditions that are noteworthy.
Some oral conditions of the aging mouth just can’t be avoided. Dry mouth is very common, which can be due to side effects of medications and less saliva being produced. Receding gums and root exposure, along with the breakdown of large fillings that have been in place for 20 or more years are also common. Habits that seem to arise include poor oral hygiene and an increase in sugar in the diet. I hear reasons such as,” I thought once I got past a certain age I couldn’t get a cavity anymore” and “ I thought fluoride was just for kids”. The ability to taste everything diminishes too, and the one thing we continue to be able to taste is sweetness, hence, the increase in sugar in the diet.
So here are a few tips to keep your teeth and mouth, healthy for 100 years, and beyond:
Keep up with good oral hygiene: brush twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste, floss at least once a day, and get your dental cleanings and checkups at least twice a year. Ask your dental professional for suggestions on products to use specific to your mouth, such as flossing aids, waterpik, etc.
Keep your mouth moist. A dry mouth is a breeding ground for infection and decay. Drink water. Ask your dental professional for suggestions of dry mouth products right for you like lozenges, rinses, and tablets.
Limit the amount of sugar in your diet and when you do have something sweet, drink water afterwards.
Take care of dental problems right away. Don’t wait until it hurts. Infections and extractions take longer to heal in an older mouth.
I wish everyone a long and happy life, along with a healthy smile!